Start Loving Your Diffuser

By Shannon Di Pietro

Are you new to Essentials Oils? Or are you just not sure how to use them properly? Well you are in the right place, below you will learn how to use and mix Essential Oils the right way. The best part is that Essential Oils not only smell good but are super healthy! Let’s get started!

Essential Oils: are made from plants and can come from leaves, herbs, barks, and rinds. Essential Oils are often referred to as volatile: meaning they are highly concentrated Oils. There are so many different methods to concentrate them into Oils. One method is distillation which is separating the water base from the oil. Creating a highly concentrated oil with amazing aromas.  You can add them into many things for example creams, bath, and you could even use them to cook with.

*Essential Oils are very potent, below I will show you ways in how to use them properly. However, if you have a serious health condition go and talk to your doctor and see if he or she thinks Essential Oils will help*

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Essential Oils & Healing Properties

Arborvitaeprotects against environmental and seasonal threats Natural insect repellent
BasilSoothes sore muscles and joints lessons anxious feelings
Black Pepperrich source of antioxidants, aids digestion
CardamomMaintains an optimal gastrointestinal balance, promotes clear breathing and respiratory health
Cassiasupports healthy immune function, helps soothe sore, achy joints
CedarwoodSupports and maintains healthy respiratory function Evokes feelings of wellness and vitality
CilantroPowerful cleanser and detoxifier, aids digestion
Cinnamon bark maintains a healthy immune system, helps alleviate sore muscles and joints
Clary Sagesoothes menstrual cramps and aches, helps balance hormones
Clovepowerful antioxidant properties help soothes teeth and gums
Corianderhelps maintain a healthy insulin, helps oily skin to avoid breakouts
Cypresshelps with clear breathing, soothes tight and sore muscles
Eucalyptus clears breathing, helps lessen stress
Fennelhelps indigestion, and digestive problems, helps ease monthly menstrual cycles
Frankincense helps build and maintain an healthy immune system, helps promote feelings of peace, relaxation, satisfaction and overall wellness
Geranium promotes clear and healthy skin, helps calm nerves and stress
Ginger helps ease nausea, supports overall digestive health
Grapefruithealthy metabolism, helps with mental and physical fatigue
Sandalwoodreduces the appearance of scars and stretch marks, helps reduce stress and tension, promotes emotional well-being
Helichrysum helps reduce the appearance of blemishes and wrinkle, helps relieve tension
Jasmineevolves feeling of joy, peace, and self-confidence helps balance hormones and manage pms symptoms
Juniper Berry supports healthy kidney, and urinary function, helps relieve tension and stress
Lavender known for relaxing, and calming features, helps heal bug bites, eases muscle tension
Lemon naturally cleanses the body and aids in digestion, promotes positivity, and cognitive abilities
Lemongrasssupports healthy digestion, soothes aching muscles and joints
Lime supports healthy immune function, promotes emotional balance and well-being
Marjoram valued for its calming properties and positive effect on the nervous system promotes gastrointestinal health
Melaleuca protects against environmental and seasonal threats, promotes a clear and healthy complexion
Melissa supports and helps boost a healthy immune system, helps calm tension and nerves
Myrrhpowerful cleansing properties, for the mouth and throat promotès emotional overall well-being
Oregano used as a powerful cleansing and purifying agent, helps support healthy digestion and respiratory function
Patchouli grounding, balancing effect on emotions reduces the appearance of blemishes
PeppermintPromotes healthy respiratory function and clear breathing Alleviates occasional stomach upset
Roman ChamomileHas a therapeutic, calming effect on the skin, mind, and body, Supports health immune system function
RosePromotes an even skin tone and healthy complexion, Emotionally uplifting
RosemarySoothes sore muscles and joints, Helps reduce nervous tension and fatigue
SandalwoodReduces the appearance of blemishes, Frequently used in meditation for its grounding and uplifting properties
ThymeProvides cleansing and purifying effects for the skin, Broad-spectrum activity in promoting winter-time health
VetiverCalming, grounding effect on emotions immune-enhancing properties
White FirProvides soothing support to sore muscles and joints evokes feelings to stability, energy, and empowerment

Wild OrangeProtects against seasonal and environmental threats, Uplifting to the mind and body
WintergreenSoothes achy muscles and joints, Promotes healthy respiratory function
Ylang YlangHelps balance hormones, Lifts mood while having a calming effect

Ways to Use Essential Oils

  1. Apply to the Skin
  2. Simply Inhale
  3. Use an Essential Oil Diffuser
  4. Steam Inhalation
  5. Aromatherapy Massage
  6. Use in a Bath

  1. Apply to the Skin: Essential Oils are able to enter the skin and bloodstream within 7 seconds of being applied. They are able to do this because they are fat soluble; which is a fancy way to say that they mix super well with you and your good vibes. This is popular method to use so the Essential Oils work fast. When applying to your skin you must always make sure to dilute them with Carrier Oils. (below you will see what Carrier Oils are and how to use) You may also hear the word Base Oils tossed around they are referring to Carrier Oils. If you have sensitive skin be sure to dilute your Oils even more. Essential Oils are highly concentrated and can actually harm you if used improperly. Below you will see a chart that will help guide where to place the Oils on your feet. The chart may look overwhelming at first but, its okay. There are pictures of each section of the foot to show what effects Oils will have on different parts of your foot. Many of the Essential Oils listed on the chart are Doterra Essential Oils.
  • The best places to apply: Behind the ear, wrists, neck, hands, the bottom of your feet, and temple
Image result for essential oil foot chart
  1. Simply Inhale: You can simply inhale your Essential Oils by taking off the cap, holding the bottle up to your nose, or you can place a few drops on a cotton ball, and take a few deep breaths. Enjoying the nice scent of your favorite flavor (ex: breathing in peppermint will help relieve a headache). This method is quick and easy and can be done at anytime of day! This method can lead into an Essential Oil meditation, or the 5 senses meditation, in my podcast I will be guiding you through this type of meditation. Taking deep slow breaths will help your mind signal to the rest of the body to relax.  Remember your mind and body are one: they are constantly communicating to let the other know of your surroundings. This technique will help relieve stress, and really connect the body as a whole.
  1. Essential Oil Diffuser: This method is very popular, we can find diffusers at our local stores such as Target, TJ-Maxx, Sprouts and Amazon. These diffusers are electronic and come in many different styles so you can find the one that suits you. The water heats to the perfect level  to vaporize but not burn the oils, creating a relaxing aroma. This method is used during aromatherapy. How to use: fill your diffuser with water to the line, then add a few drops of Essential oil (2-4 drops), put the lid back on and then hit the start button to diffuse the Oils. This works because Essential Oils break down easily when at normal temperature, turn into tiny molecules.
Image result for essential oil diffuser
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  1. Steam Inhalation: bring 2-4 cups of water to a boil, and put it in a glass bowl then add 2-6 drops of Essential Oils, placing a towel over your head and shoulders. Lean over the bowl masking the steam with the towel and take nice slow deep breaths. This will help loosen your sinuses and clear them up. It will also help relieve stress and headaches.  You can do this anytime of day, I like to do it at night to relax my mind and end my facial routine. Not only is this method good for your skin, it also has quite a few other hidden benefits. For example it treats flu and cold symptoms. So next time you are under the weather give this a try!
Image result for essential oil steam inhalation
  1. Aromatherapy Massage: When using Essential Oils for massage you must ALWAYS dilute them with a carrier oil. Start by adding 20 drops of Essential Oils to an ounce of carrier oil, or you can cut the measurements in half if your not using that much oil. Massages are a very therapeutic method, relaxing and healing. You can even bring your significant other into the mix and diffuse lavender and maybe rose, with a few plain candles lit to create a nice ambience. Massage each other and rub the oil in letting it soak into the skin. It may feel nice to warm the oil slightly but not for long because if heated the Essential Oils will lose their healing properties.
Image result for essential oil massage
  1. Use in a Bath: this method is truly relaxing, taking a nice hot bubble bath. Adding a few drops (6-12) to your bath is a good start. Make sure not to add to much to your bath because you may have a burning feeling on your skin. Putting Epsom Salts in your bath is also a nice addition, this will help be a base to your Essential Oils. When using Epsom Salts, mix the Oils into the salt so it will dissolve nicely together. Hot baths will help improve blood flow and mixes the bath better. This is one of my favorites to do, after a long day at work settling into a nice hot bath with my favorite oils. This is my go to “me” time and helps to relieve all the stresses from the day. Playing some soft music in the background maybe with a candle lit will set the scene for relaxation. Remember you deserve to be pampered nothing wrong with pampering yourself.
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Carrier Oils

The healing scent of an Essential Oil can evaporate quickly, but when you add them to Carrier Oils this helps slow down the process. The Carrier oil usually comes from the fatty part of a plant. Carrier Oils help the Essential Oils scent last for longer periods of time.

Carrier Oil Examples:

  • Olive Oil
  • Jojoba Oil
  • Almond Oil
  • Grapeseed Oil
  • Coconut Oil
  • Avocado Oil

Essential Oils Benefits

  • Balance Hormones
  • Support Digestion
  • Boost Immunity
  • Fight Infections
  • Improve Brain Function
  • Boost Energy Levels
  • Alleviate Aches & Pains
  • Reduce Emotional Stress & Anxiety
  • Reduce Toxicity
  • Relief from Headaches and Migraines
  • Helps with Insomnia (promoting restful sleep)
  • Helps Relax
  • Boosts Skin
  • Improves Hair Health

We will dive into detail with the Essential oil benefits next week, as well as the many uses for Essential Oils including health, beauty, and home uses. I hope you find this article informative and useful! If you made it this far thank you please comment below about anything that might have changed your life, mind or what did I miss? This is a journey together so that we can live a more holistic lifestyle. Well, I have to get back on the journey see you all in the next phase!

Best ways to get a full nights sleep!

Methods to Get a Full Night’s Sleep

Hey Beauties, thanks for joining me! Today we are going to go over methods and ways to get a full night’s sleep and ways to truly settle down. We will discuss essential oils to diffuse while you are settling down, which ones to use in a warm bath. An evening yoga routine to help prepare you for a good night’s sleep. Meditations that will help your body fully relax in bed, and some of my favorite nature sounds on Spotify to help settle into rest. Below will be a few methods and ways on how to get the best night’s rest:

Evening yoga for The best night’s sleep

  1. Begin by settling into hero pose, start by kneeling and then place your hips back to have your bum resting on the backs of your feet, place your hands downwards on your thighs, close your eyes and focus in on your natural breath. * benefits* stretches hips, thighs, feet and ankles, helps relieve stress in legs, strengthens ankles and feet, improves digestion and relieves tired legs, and improves posture.

  2. Move into cat and cow pose, moving to all fours breathing in doing the cow tilt, engage the core as your belly fills with air and moves towards the ground, then breathing out bring the belly in as far as you can, pressing your hands into the ground creating an arch in your spine, repeat this a few times following the breath *benefits* flexibility in neck, spine, shoulders, and wrists, increasing mental focus, powerful pose for the mind, increases coordination, increased emotional stability, physical benefits include, toning female reproductive system, helps relieve menstrual cramps, relieves tension, and increases flexibility as well as stretches the neck, spine, shoulders and legs.

  3. Balasana (child pose) widen your legs and reach your sit bones back to sit on your feet, sit here and breath in with each breath letting yourself sink further and further into the pose. *benefits* stretches the hips, thighs, legs, and spine, lengthens your spine, helps relieve back tensions and hip tension, helps relieve stress and relaxes muscles, and calming of the mind.

  4. Final resting pose, lying on your stomach, stretch out your legs stretch your arms forward above your head, with face down, completely relax with each breath, 5 breathes in this pose, *benefits* light full body stretch, relaxing all of the bodies muscles.

  5. Legs up on wall pose, scoot down your map until your bum meets the wall and place your legs flat on the wall, this is a restorative pose, *benefits* allows the mind and body to relax, relieves stress and tension, with each breath let yourself sink further into the mat, stretches thighs, hamstrings, and lower legs, relieves lower back tension, pelvic floor relaxation.

  6. Supine spinal twist, hugging your knees into your chest rocking side to side slightly giving your lower back a slight massage, lay your legs to the right side letting your left shoulder rest on the floor giving a slight stretch of the back and shoulder, let your body sink further and further into the stretch, lay here for 5 deep breaths, switch sides by rolling legs to other side, repeating the 5 breaths, *benefits* stretching of the back, releasing tension, relaxing the body, lengthens body, strengthens abdominal muscles, and hydrate spinal disk.

  7. Place a pillow beneath your bum and lower back to move into supported bridge, *benefits* lower back stretch, relaxation of body, engagement of the core slightly, stretches and opens chest and spine, helps relieve stress and mild depression, improves digestion and stimulates abdominal organs, improves quality of sleep, and helps combat insomnia

  8. Move into savasanna corpse pose, state of meditation, complete relaxation, with each breath let yourself fall deeper and deeper into the mat, if you need props go ahead and adjust yourself as needed, *benefits*relaxes and calms body, reduces stress and anxiety, reduces blood pressure, improves concentration and memory, relaxes the whole body, letting you feel al the benefits from your practice.

My favorite meditation!

Yoga Nidra relaxes the whole body

  • Get into bed, lying on your back finding the most comfortable position, almost like savasanna, close your eyes and begin to breath in and out slowly letting your mind settle and your muscles relax

  • Bringing your attention to your toes take a deep inhale in flexing your toes and feet towards the end of the bed hold for 5 seconds and release, hold here for a few breaths feeling the relaxed muscles settle in

  • Bring your attention to your calves, pointing your feet towards your face to flex your calves as you take a deep inhale hold for 5 seconds and release, feeling the tension let go

  • Bring your attention to your thighs squeezing your thighs together to flex thigh muscles breathing in hold for 5 seconds, release and feel the muscles tension release

  • Bring your attention to your buttocks and squeeze them together to flex muscles breath in hold for 5 secs. And release notice the relaxation of your entire lower body

  • Bring your attention to your abdominals and flex them breathing in hold for 5 seconds and release feeling your abdominal muscles release.

  • Bring your attention to your shoulder, reaching your shoulders to your ears breathing in and hold for 5 secs. Release and feel the relaxation

  • Bring your attention to your chest open your chest by pulling your shoulder beneath and under you really stretching your chest, hold for 5 seconds, and release feeling complete relaxation in your chest

  • Bring your attention to your hands squeeze your fists hold for 5 seconds and release feeling relaxation in your hands

  • Bring your attention to your biceps flex and hold for 5 seconds releasing feeling your arms relax

  • Bring your attention to your mouth open your mouth wide to stretch your jaw, hold for 5 seconds and release feeling relaxed in your jaw

  • Bring your attention to your eyes squeeze them shut really tight and hold for 5 seconds release feeling relaxed

  • Bring your attention to your eyebrows raise them to stretch the forehead hold for 5 seconds and release feeling complete relaxation in your whole face

  • Bring awareness to your whole body, revisiting al, the body parts if you stil, feel tension repeat the breathing in flexing and holding for 5 seconds and release

  • Lay her for as long as you like feeling completely relaxed.

Essential oils for a warm bath and diffuser!

  • Lavender: is good for insomnia and promotes relaxation of the mind and body, and has an internal and external calming feeling

  • Chamomile for complete relaxation and calming feelings, also helps keep bugs away

  • Mint: creates and nice refreshing scent promoting focus

Diffuser blends:


  • 4 drops of lavender

  • 2 drops of cedarwood

  • 2 drops of Vervier


  • 4 drops of lavender

  • 3 drops of cedarwood

  • 2 drops of frankincense


  • 3 drops of cedarwood

  • 3 drops of patchouli

  • 2 drops chamomile


  • 4 drops lavender

  • 2 drops sandalwood

  • 2 drops clary sage


  • 4 drops of lavender

  • 3 drops bergamot

  • 1 drop ylang ylang


  • 2 drops lavender

  • 2 drops vervier

  • 2 drops palmarosa

  • 2 drops rose

Some great calming music

Use of Spotify here are some playlists that help promote deep sleep

  • Peaceful retreat

  • Deep focus

  • Acoustic calm

  • Calm vibes

  • Relax & unwind

  • Peaceful meditation

  • Sleep

  • Peace

  • Nature noise

All are great playlists helping you sleep, I suggest setting it on a timer so once fallen asleep it will turn off by itself


Welcome Post

Hello wonderful people, I am so happy you decided to join me on this uplifting, rejuvenating, refreshing journey. My name is Shannon Di Pietro author of Tsuki’s Insights. The meaning of Tsuki’s Insights is moon thoughts. Here you will find Diy’s, tips on healthy habits, eating healthy, different diet comparisons, arts and crafts, essential oils, yoga tips, morning routines, meditations, and how to live a holistic life. Learn how to heal through holistic practices. I am so excited to be here with you! I am currently a student studying to become a Family Marriage Therapist, and incorporate methods of holistic healing. For example Art Therapy, Music Therapy, Aroma Therapy, Sand Therapy, Yoga Therapy, Sound Healing, Mindfulness and many more. The last few years I have truly grasped onto the holistic lifestyle due to my personal health issues. I was finding that the medications that my doctor was prescribing to me ended up causing more issues. These side effects just aren’t worth these drawbacks to fix one problem. I tried to treat these ailments holistically and found that I feel good while treating them. Yoga is one of the best ways to help heal the body, there are so many benefits to each pose, we will dive in deeper with this in future posts. Essential oils have amazing healing properties, each one has specific healing properties. For example Lavender could be used to help heal bug bites, help someone to relieve stress, and relax both the mind & body. Lavender has many more benefits we will explore this further. There are so many roller blends and air freshener sprays we will learn how to make with measurements and instructions. I am happy you have decided to join me and begin to heal in a natural way. Let the journey begin! Keep posted we will be going over methods on how to get a full night’s sleep next week. Below you will find a meditation for beginners.

  1. Sit or Lie down whatever feels most comfortable to you. If you are sitting have a straight back.
  2. Close your eyes or gently fix your eye gaze on something near the ground.
  3. Make no effort to control the breath: simply breath naturally
  4. Focus your attention on the breath and on how the body moves with each inhalation and exhalation. Notice the movement of your body as you breathe. Observe your chest, shoulders, rib cage and belly. Make no effort to control the breathe simply focus your attention. If your mind wanders that’s okay simply recognize the thought and let it pass. Bring your focus back to your breath. Maintain this meditation for 2-3 minutes to start and then try it for longer periods.

If you want to focus more on your breathing here are few more steps to deepen your practice.

Take a Deep Breath

  • Breathing in through the nose
  • Breathing out through the mouth
  • Breathing in feeling your lungs expanding
  • Breathing out feeling a sense of letting go
  • Breathing in to feel the body getting fuller
  • Breathing out to feel the release of any tension
  • Breathing in feeling alive and awake
  • Breathing out feeling your muscles relaxing
  • Breathing in that same sense of fullness
  • Breathing out that unnecessary tension

The Journey Begins

Thank you for joining me! We are about to embark on a wonderful path together. Get ready to feel relaxed, compassionate, loved, and refreshed.

My goal is that you become filled with so much happiness that it heals every part of you! To shine your brightest light is to be who you truly are!

Relax * Rejuvenate * Breathe * Refresh * Enjoy * Nourish * Renew

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